Apr 25, 2021Liked by Iona

When I was wee (6 or 7?) my Dad visited and we stayed with some of his friends in the countryside near Oxford. We found a disorientated Mole that kept wandering back into the road. I was delighted and nervous when Dad picked it up and brought it home to look after overnight, before returning it the next day. The best part was that it peed in his pocket!

Something I took away from reading 'Braiding Sweetgrass' by Robin Kimmerer was the call to observe and learn what plants / animals / the natural even 'inanimate' world can teach us. That changes the balance of authority and power and would be a humble way to see ourselves in the world.

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Loved this, reminds me of my "pet" hedgehog. Also, love the question " Am I a good companion to wild animals?". That's really something to think on...

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